Precedent Summary

Now ever than before, we have strong concern about our health. There are several researches and products that relates with our health and try to improve our quality of life.

First of All, there has been a research related to our emotion based on the location of people. Christian Nold had explored people’s relationship with local environment in Greenwich Peninsula.  The project invited people to use a Bio Mapping with GPS and go for a walk. The Bio Mapping systems is made with a Galvanic Skin Sensor Response(GSR), so Chritian collected data of people’s emotion changes based on geographical location. The Greenwich Emotion Map project is looking for a relationship between our emotion and environment.

The UP is a wristband designed by the Jawbone. The UP uses a wrist band and iphone app that can track our body movement, sleeping, and eating patterns. By using a Precision Motion Sensor, the UP helps to track down distance of walk, calorie burned, and quality of sleeping hours. These track downed data and information is transferable to iphone app by using a jack to iphone. The transferred data and information is viewable to iphone app with visual graphs and datas. Also, for tracking down eating style, a user can take a picture of food he/she eats and put a comment. The UP is water proof and small enough to carry around all the time.

Also, the Basis is a product that will be out on the market soon. The Basis is a wrist watch that can track down your heart rate, caloric burn, activity levels, and sleep habits. By using an optical blood, 3D accelerometer, temperature reading, the Basis watch is handy to track down our healthy life style. Also, the track downed data and information from the Basis watch is transferable to web and smartphone to see the collected data and information visually. A user of the Basis can tack downed the patterns of his/her health life style easily.

There have been researches and products related to our health issues. These three precedents try to improve our quality of lives. And There will be more researches and products that try to improve our quality of lives.

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